Thursday, March 1, 2012

Bird pattern

So here are some birds...
I'm not completely sold on the composition, but I don't know what to change. Also in the work for surface design I have jellyfish, sharks, and woodland critters for now. I want to get at least 8 so I can have a part of my website for surface designs.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Kitchen Perspective Drawing

It's a kitchen, they don't do much. There are a few problems that I need to address with this, but I'm pretty proud of it and I have an animation I want to use it as a background in, so it's cool!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Up and out.

This is a man getting out of his chair and walking off screen. I had a few issues with animating his walk, but I think I got it down pretty well.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Well not too much to write currently because it's late and it's the end of the semester so everything is difficult especially personal arts.

On a happy note the illustration I posted here last made it into the Pocketful Illustration biannual! So that's exciting.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Pocketful Holidays.

With the Holidays coming up I've been getting tired. Between all of the homework and Holiday preparations. Illustration shown above was submitted to Pocketful in response to the topic "Second Star to the Right and Straight on 'Til Morning" I wasn't too pleased when I first finished it, but it's been growing on me.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Future and My Confusion.

Howdy Ho Blogger people! I think I still see a few of you out there. Right?

Well I've been working on logos and other marketing swag for a nonprofit group in Lancaster PA Dramablility Works! They've been a lot of fun to work on and even though I emailed the group leader mid week hoping to get some sort of reply it has been to no avail. I however am going to be meeting up with her on Monday evening. Unless I get a reply before then I plan to leave the ideas alone for now.

I have also been doing some serious thinking about my career and using twitter and real life people to ask questions about what I should actually be getting a masters in. The online portal of Academy of Art isn't bad. I have learned even more about animation the practice as well as the history (which I LOVE). I also enjoy Coco who teaches our figure class which is sort of like how Bob McCloud's 'figure in motion' class was set up at PCA&D and honestly by week 3 with the way she was presenting her critiques I saw my figure work improving.

The reason I am rethinking what masters I receive is because the program I am currently in is very entertainment production heavy. Even though I'd like to move out West I think I would rather stay here on the East. The past four years I have lost a great deal of people close to me and I really don't want to lose anymore or I wouldn't want to be far away if any of the remaining were to pass. My husband also has a fine job out here and he wouldn't want to move unless I found something better than what he has now.

Other masters degrees I'm considering are: instructional design, game design, applied technology in education, (art) education, or something other than those listed but will help me with what field I'm looking into.

I'm really interested in doing artwork and or animation for educational gaming and television. I've been reading up on it and it has become much more popular in the classroom as well as with parents and enjoying learning really makes knowledge stick. I also have thought back to my childhood (it's easy 'cause I'm young) and I was very fortunate to be raised in the time I was. The boys and girls clubs were open til 10 and my mom picked me up at 9:30 after work. I was taught a great deal about art as well as had free tutoring.

I really want to make art that is accessible to children and help them out the way that I was helped out as a youth. This whole thought process was brought on by someone saying to me "Don't live in the future, create the future." That has stuck with me for the past 2. 5 months and made me think about all these things.

I'm going to end with an unrelated personal image that I finished yesterday about a girl who is so stuck in the water these jellyfish have to pull her around.