Well not really, but next season there is going to be new characters. I have come to love these Canadian teens. I guess to make it more like a reality show they should change their characters, but I'm still a bit heart broken.
In less than 24 hours CN will be airing the final Total Drama World Tour episode(s). I'm really excited because I like good character development and this show has it. I also like the geometric character designs (it reminded me of Clone High). Plus it's vectory and fun!
Ok So who I wanted to win...

Owen won the first season, but sadly never got any money. Which means no Yacht party. Plus he's the coolest best guy on the show! Plus he's half of the best couple on the show.

Izzy is totally my favorite character. I love characters in western animation who are a bit over the top excitable. (She's kinda like but not really Lottie from Princess and the Frog and Jessie from Toy Story.) I she has the best exists when getting voted off the show and her fake existence makes me overwhelmed with joy.

Either Lindsay (blond) or LaShawna (sassy black lady)! Love love love these two. Not necessarily together. But Lindsay is the most useful character in the show and can be a ture inspiration as well as a wonderful artist and bike mechanic. LaShawana, well she's a sassy black chick with the emphasis on sassy. Also the only girl with curves and she punched evil Heathers tooth out which was super good and awesome fun time.
Who I now want to win.

Well after Owen was voted off I was all about Sierra winning and after Sierra got blown up and was out despite winning invincibility. I want Cody to win. Why because he's the only non-villain left in the cast.
Really excited about the final episode. Also sorta sad. But excited and had to let the internet know my predictions.
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