Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Raccoons, Raccoons, and Raccoons!!!

Hey so Monday's I have a 'concept art for film and television' class. We're reading a creepy boring book called the "Prophecy Machine" really odd creatures in the book. Our first assignment because of the creatures in the book we had to combine ourselves with an animal. I of course chose to merge with a raccoon. I attempted a more realistic painterly thing for the creature. It was super creepy then I did a vector character which is still sort of odd but it more fashion based and honestly a lot less creepy.

The slightly uncreepy vector raccoon girl fashion and pattern influenced.

This is the really creepy painterly-ish version, fortunately I leaned what I want the final piece to look like from doing this.

Finally for professional practices and well because it's a good idea made a postcard it's showing the current techniques that I'm using as well as subject matter that I really enjoy and is honestly cute.

Raccoon and Turtle having a picnic promotional postcard.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Pencil Test GO!

I think the semester is pretty intense despite not having too much to work on other than thesis, but that in it's self is keeping me up late. I think I have a better ideas of a couple of shots and they're getting more dynamic, and since this has an opening theme feel to it dynamic is good. I've been have some persepctive issues and have had to watch Lion King (1&2) I have also remember how good Lion King 2 was like why wasn't it in theaters good. Also have been watching jungle book which is sweet simply because I can't get good video clips of big cats doing super cool dynamic stuff. Maybe because their souls are crushed in zoos and animal parks which is where most of those videos I've looked at have been taken.

I also gotta finish this post card thing for self promotion as well as the intro to my reel which is a shot and a half away from being done. I also need good classical music for it, but I'm not sure what to use.

So here are two pencil tests that have taken me a while to get right and these pencil test aren't necessarily correct. I had one more that I was going upload, but it won't upload to blogger or to youtube which is strange, but here we go!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snow and Deja Vu- IF

Snow time is here again. I love how pretty it makes things look, but the last semester of my senior year of my undergrad is tomorrow so I don't want classes to be canceled. I need to scan frames and watch those play backs then tighten and composite by the next day which is Thursday.

My fiance and I got to have fun snow time and got to create beautiful art. Hopefully when people go to their cars in the morning they will be thrilled or at least their children will be thrilled.

On a not so related topic we have this weeks Illustration Friday topic "Deja Vu". I live in Lancaster and because of all the Amish and PA Dutch hex patterns and well patterning in general the buildings in the city actually have these loud patterns on them. The city of Lancaster PA is also known for their monster attacks (it is not just Tokyo and NYC). So I think we've all learned a little bit more about Lancaster PA and what the towns folk here have to deal with.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Illustraton Friday: Resolutions

Well 2011 has been interesting to say the least. Classes start next week and still don't know the book for concept art which I just wanna read cover to cover so I can go there and have my imagination go wild. I just hope it's not "War and Peace with Dragons" or something terribly lengthy like that. SJU also got rid or their Graduate program for Animation/Illustration. I was quite upset about this because I was really excited to attend there 'cause not only was the student work awesome and they have a reputation but because it was the least expensive Graduate school I was applying to. I'm not totally opposed to the 6 digit debt because I have dreams and goals, and most importantly I don't want to settle for less than my dreams. I'm still figuring out what to put into my portfolio. I really like my hypochondriac story boards I'm doing for UCLA. This year isn't even a full week old yet so we shall see.

Now for the Illustration Friday. I enjoy doing these. I'm hoping to be able to do one of these per month. Once again we'll see how it goes.

I don't have any resolutions as much as I have goals for the year so since about half of my coworkers want to quit smoking this year that's this. I haven't used painter in awhile and I haven't done something not adorable in a while so here we go based on my coworkers resolution to quit smoking.