Thursday, June 30, 2011

Vidjio Games and Hearts!

Ok so today was the most fun I've had on a day that I didn't request off of work. Not saying that I was working 'cause I was off, but I didn't request the day. I went up to Harrisburg and watched as a few super cool high school presented their video game demos as well as tested a few out. Then in the superest coolest part Harrisburg University has a Virtusphere.

You get in this over priced hamster ball with a couple senors and you can be emersed into a world that's on the computer. Not quite X Men Danger room or anything, but it was still amazing!
This Russian game that came with the system is what we experienced. Despite the fact that the textures didn't blow me away the fact that I was moving in real time and able to go any direction I wanted and that I was only looking at this area (though goggles). I was a bit unaware of reality. When it was time for me to exit I was wondering why I didn't see Tony who was talking to me. That last bit may sound a bit derp, but I was really emerced in this walking around a Russian town that and when in the Virtusphere you have all the motions and work of walking up hill with all the momentum of walking down hill.

After all the fun was over at the University. Then my video game makin' homies and I went walking around Harrisburg and found a place to eat and talk about Gob's Rebellion we mapped out deadlines that we'll have to keep to be able to to get a finished looking demo done by the end of the summer so week can look up/for game/young game competitions and get some feed back before finishing the game. It's getting exciting because things are really in motion with the programing and now with the art; modeling and rigging is starting soon, animation will be in the game.

Also I'm getting really excited about getting married in 9 days *dances and prances*.

Good days good times next time I might post some more art, but this was a really eye opening day not just for restrictions in the entertainment technology fields we are fighting still in the 21st century. I am also trying to figure out what else I need to learn with art to make me more useful to the entertainment industry. The only way to know what you need to improve on is to create more challenging work, and I'm seeing through this gaming experience that working with other people who have high expectations make self challenging easier. I don't know if any of that made sense, but it does to me.

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