Thursday, June 16, 2011

Interests, Bells, and Online!

Ok so last time I was complaining about not being able to afford Graduate School, well I'm going to start attending classes online and I hope I'll be able to afford to go out to California by at least my third year. I'm excited about school and the curriculum. I have been looking into more video game studios and I hope than an animation masters degree over an entertainment technology degree will be more beneficial because it it too much money to get a degree that I'm not going to use.

Also I'm going to be getting married soon. As in 23 days I wasn't really counting until it hit 3o days and I've just kind of been counting down with excitement jitters since.

My friend Liz posted this link
and it had me thinking a bit about the bio. This blog is sort of just a giant bio, but on my other social networking sites it's more "here's some art and I'll throw in some context". There isn't too much of myself put in there. I never really thought people cared about the bio, but some people might. I haven't formally sat down and written a good one but I have been thinking about them. I've also been looking at the art of Richard Perez so I decided to also make an illustrated list of things I like.
Honestly it was a nice relaxing way to spend my evening and to get me thinking about a formal art bio rather than just an artist statement of purpose.


  1. That has to be the most adorable Roosevelt ever.

    I still haven't written a bio I'm satisfied with. Like my resume. Le Sigh.

  2. I like anvils.

    I need to just sit and write something at least to have on my linked and to have on file for anywhere. This was a nice practice to make me think about interests.
