Monday, September 12, 2011

It seems as though a lot of the people that I follow on Blogger have been leaving for tumblr. I don't say that I really blame them. Tumblr is how I hope the future or writing papers will be. You have a source and you can see where images and ideas have come from and who has added input before it gets to you. I still like my blogger and don't plan on getting rid of it too soon. Tumblr is also more busy than Blogger is in terms of updates and the blogs you can view.

My online classes have started up at AAU and I really like my professors they have lots of office hours and are really quick to review your work and in some cases allow resubmission as long as its completed by the deadline.

This past weekend I went to a wedding of one of my very best friends ever Jess Jones her and Matt have been dating about 5.5 years since our Jr. Prom and yesterday was the first time they kissed. So it was a very "B'AWWWE" moment. Also got to dance with my husband to a married couples dance at the wedding and I was very "SQUEEE".

Oliver and I have also started work on a territorial TCG. I would like us to have something functional before one of the three Lancaster Gaming Cons next year (yeah, Lancaster, Pennsylvania is BIG for traditional gaming who knew?). That is also an excitement that we are both passionate about. Me gaming and card illustration and him with card games and designs.

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