San Diego comic con also happened while I've been away and I was full of jealous the whole time between the adventure time pizza, ponies, LOONEY TOONS, and Scooby Doo Mystery Inc. people. I really hope that in the not too distant future to be able to comic con out there. It doesn't really look like a great next working place but at the same time it does so I guess you have to go to find out.
I also got back from Otakon over the weekend. It was cool stuffs. Saw the FMA movie that's still in Japaneses theaters which made me feel special. Also got to see the Trigun movie dubbed and that was really exciting 'cause doughnuts. Also bought all the pokemon... well not all the pokemon but pretty close to it. Over all between watching more things this year and hanging out with friends more I enjoyed Otakon '11 more than the past ones.
Also perhaps most importantly I got married. I also got my last name upgraded because well Mrs. Sparkes is pretty awesome sounding.
This face is possibly the best face I have ever made on camera before. Oliver is making fun of his father for being short. That's also my uncle who gave me away.
I'm hoping it won't be so long in between updates, but I like posting things that are a bit more polished art wise then what I've been working on which is super unpolished.
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